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Forum Announcements / We Have Moved
« Last post by Shadav on March 19, 2021, 04:56:02 AM »
We've moved to a new host and to our own server so hopefully there won't be anymore 503 errors and crap....

Sorry for all of the downtime and hiccups....but that hopefully (fingers crossed) won't happen anymore
as well as the page load time shouldn't be an issue anymore either...
Forum Announcements / The Forum has been updated
« Last post by Shadav on February 27, 2021, 03:16:16 AM »
Updated the forum to the current version
added some new mods for functionality
also made the forum to be a bit more responsive

everything should be working correctly, but please feel free to report any errors that you may find.
Storage / Broken Chair Repurposed into Shelf
« Last post by Shadav on January 04, 2021, 06:53:36 PM »
Lovely Upcycled DIY Chair for Your Bathroom

"A few years back my best girlfriend said she didn’t have the heart to throw this thing out."

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"In deciding what it should become, I had many ideas from turning it round and round and upside down. However, the most logical idea for me is a broken chair repurposed shelf. This is where it gets oh-so-fun for me because I get to dig into my stash and create. First, here are a few things I pulled out to play with…"

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"You’re looking at some barn wood from our kitchen remodel, two broken rake handles (yes I saved them. ahem), a couple of turnings from vintage bunk beds, and a few old hooks left from our bathroom remodel.

Consequently, after digging around some more, I found some pieces of a set of antique legs that I had remnant from making this crate ottoman.

All these pieces came into play as my idea began to come to fruition. I used the broken rakes for shelf support. In addition, I used them to plug the holes that were left from the previous life.

Last, here is what that old broken rocking chair looks like now."

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Source: Broken Chair Repurposed into Shelf - Prodigal Pieces
Forum Announcements / Sorry to those that use ipv6
« Last post by Shadav on December 31, 2020, 12:41:28 PM »
so it seems that one of the security measures to help prevent spam and other bad bots was also blocking ipv6 users from the site...

my bad!!!!

which sucks because now I can't use that mod until they, if they decide to update it to work with ipv6

and as I know not everyone is tech savvy and doesn't know how to disable ipv6 on your device, I will just leave the security mod off for the time being.

So um..... :blushing: :imsorry: to all who may have visited the forum and gotten the "Database Error" page....no the site wasn't down but the bouncer blocked you from entering....
Forum Announcements / Re: The Rules and Helpful Information
« Last post by Shadav on October 21, 2020, 02:44:06 PM »
if you're still reading.....
on to the user groups "ranks"

Administrator (admin)

has all permissions


has some admin rights to manage some parts of the forum

Moderator (mod)

moderates the forum and members

Support Team

*unsure yet what to do with this group
will either be those that help with the site itself
or members that have some moderator permissions but not full moderators, just content moderation*


banned members have no permissions at all and will be redirected from the forum

Regular Member (applies to all post count based levels) -
  • can view
  • can use
  • edit own
  • can
  • can't

  • forum statistics
  • memberlist and groups
  • who's online
  • calendar
  • profile summary and stats
  • staff list


has all regular member permissions +: ShowHide

allowed more space, smileys, images, and larger font in signature
no time limit to edit posts
No Attachment limits
unlimited pms
can edit display name

require verification to search
  • can't view
  • can't
  • can

  • contact details
  • memberlist or groups or buddies
  • see who's online
  • view profile summary and stats
  • calendar
  • attachments
  • staff list
  • links (directory)


  • can't view
  • can view

contact details
memberlist and groups or buddies
who's online
profile summary and stats
view or download attachments
staff list
links (directory)

Post Count Based (may change)

Newbies (0 - 5)

can't use pms, add/edit events, post external links, use buddy system, change repute, signatures, add website to profile
can view auctions but not list/buy/give trader feedback
can view/vote fanfic
require verification to post

Semi-Newbie (5 - 20)
under 10 posts external links are set to [nonactive] under 15 posts external links are set to [nofollow]
under 10 posts requires verification to send pms (max 20 pms allowed)
can use signature, but can not add links

Junior (20 - 100)
Member (100 - 500)
Senior (500 - 1000)
Contributor (1000 - 5000)
Peon (5000 - 10000)
Hearsay (10000 - 50000)
Myth (50000 - 100000)
Legend (100000 - 500000)
Demigod (500000 - 1000000)
God 1000000 +
Forum Announcements / Re: The Rules and Helpful Information
« Last post by Shadav on October 21, 2020, 02:36:38 PM »
Hello Guest
if you are new here, well then you'll probably want to read through some things here :)
if you're not new, well it's a refresher  :crazy:

when creating a post don't forget to fill out the Subject
clicking on the formatting tab has all of the bbc shortcuts and formatting options
the attachments tab, well is for attachments
other options tab you can select/deselect settings like notify me of replies and other things
then there is all of the smiley tabs  =))
the [more] button just displays all of the smileys except the basic smileys in a pop-up (I may eventually get rid of it)

There are 5 themes installed currently (3 light and 2 dark)
please note that not all modifications may work correctly on all themes (I will try my best but some themes may lack certain options)
if you notice an error or that some functions do not work on the theme you are using, please let me know and I will work on fixing it, if I am able to (as stated some modifications will not work on all themes) *please be sure to include where the error was and the theme used, a screenshot would be helpful as well*
due to heavy modifications I will not be installing brand new themes
if you prefer one theme over another but would prefer a different color, ask and I will see what I can do :)

4REarth (default - costume to match our site)

Curve (standard theme that comes with script)



NightBreeze (one of my personal favorites)

To try and help users there are several different languages to choose from, please pick the utf8 version where available
please note however that you are to post in english outside of language specific forums, this is just to help with functionality (also note that not everything is translated, if you find something please let us know and the appropriate translation and it will be added)

current languages (which may not be accurate or fully functioning): ShowHide

English_american (default)

not that I think anyone will need it, but posts are "limited" to 100,000 characters  ;))
however there is a minimum of 15 characters and minimum 3 words (to try and cut down on spam type replies)

the karma system aka Repute (as I renamed it) is member based and not post based (hence the rename)

signatures have a max 400 characters and 2 lines, 5 smileys are allowed, bbc is allowed, 3 images are allowed max width 200px, max height 100px, max font size allowed is 12px (please note that donors get 3x the amounts)

there is a warning system in place...warnings do not decrease over time unless an admin changes it
only staff and the warned user can see warning levels
after 5 warnings the user is automatically put on a watch list
after 15 warnings the user is automatically put on to moderated posts (staff must approve posts)
after 20 warnings the user is automatically put on mute
depending on the severity a user may be banned without any warnings

as noted above, there are a lot of modifications that have been done to the forum (over 200, pushing 300)
a few of them are
incase of a browser crash, one modification will attempt to restore entered text in the Quick Reply form and Reply form
The text entered in the Quick Reply field is saved when moving between pages of the same topic, which allows you to reply to messages located in a different places of the current topic.
along these same lines is the multi-quote that uses cookies to allow multiply quoting of messages (even from different topics)
as well as there is the Save as Draft button, if you start to create a post but are not ready to actually post it yet.

The extended helper, a good place to learn about how the forum functions
Introduction - SMF User Help
it's not 100% but it's a good start for those new to forums

Member awards, you will see that at the bottom of your posts there might be some awards, you can also find them in your profile...there are awards that are automatically added/removed such as most time online, most posts, years you've been a member, ect....then there are some that can be assigned such as helpful user, knowledgeable, ect

you will also notice at the bottom of posts there is a smiley post rating (it does not show up on your own posts, only on others posts)

you will notice that when you post a link (most of the time) it will display the links title instead of the url

bots and topic authors do not increase post view count

in your profile you will find all kinds of settings
custom titles (you can use bbc), member name colors, referrals, buy me a drink (if set and put your paypal, if members wish to they can send you donations for helpful posts and things), and many more things

there's a treasury (if you'd like to donate, also shows where donations are going), a buddy page, hall of fame page

the list goes on about modifications but  :yawn:
Forum Announcements / The Rules and Helpful Information
« Last post by Shadav on October 21, 2020, 01:04:25 PM »
A Placeholder for The Rules, whenever I get around to adding them
Rules will be updated as we see fit to help keep the community in order

  • Posts must be in english, except in appropriate boards (you may request specific language boards)
  • No porn (I shouldn't have to say that, but.....)
  • Be kind/respectful
  • No hate speech
  • No spam
  • No promotions/advertisements
  • Referral links are allowed but do not abuse it....don't go spamming referral listings....but if someone is looking for something you can use your referral link, or if you write an article, you can place relative/related referral links within the article.....
  • Some words are censored (if you feel that it shouldn't be, or that a word should be...feel free to let me know) [sometimes the censor is stupid, so feel free to let me know so I can try and fix it]
Other / Want A Language Specific Board? Ask Here!
« Last post by Shadav on October 21, 2020, 12:57:28 PM »
Please note that posts are to be in english, unless within a specific language board

Specific language boards will be created on a need to need basis....if there are enough members that speak a specific language, you can request a board to be created here.

A poll may be put up for members to vote on to help decide if there is a need for a specific language.
As well as then a member to become a moderator for that specific language and be held responsible to make sure posts don't go against the rules. You can nominate a member (or yourself) for this responsibility and the staff will then decide on it.
Miscellaneous / Make your own Seasonings and Mixes
« Last post by Shadav on October 20, 2020, 09:51:49 PM »
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Taco Seasoning:

1/2 cup chili powder
1/4 cup onion powder
1/8 cup ground cumin
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon paprika
1 tablespoon sea salt
Put ingredients into a jar and shake.

Dry Onion Soup Mix:
2/3 cup dried, minced onion
3 teaspoons parsley flakes
2 teaspoons onion powder
2 teaspoons turmeric
1 teaspoon celery salt
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground pepper
Mix all ingredients in a jar, then give the jar a good shake. I’d recommend shaking the jar to mix the ingredients well before each use.
Use 4 tablespoons in a recipe in place of 1 packet of onion soup mix. Store this in a dry, cool place.

5 tablespoons dried minced onions
7 teaspoons parsley flakes
4 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon garlic powder
Mix together and store in an air tight container.
For dressing: Mix 2 tablespoons dry mix with 1 cup mayonnaise and 1 cup buttermilk or sour cream.
For dip: Mix 2 tablespoons dry mix with 2 cups sour cream.
Mix up a few hours before serving, so the flavors all blend.
Miscellaneous / Homemade Febreze
« Last post by Shadav on October 20, 2020, 09:46:28 PM »
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I have been using this for years now and love it....

Best $5.00 spent!
Eucalyptus - 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil - 10ml from ebay!
And reusing an empty febreze bottle (any spray bottle will work)
You can also add any other essential oil fragrances that you would like

Bet you didn't know all the wonderful uses of eucalyptus oil:

+ Odors/pest repellent
Add three drops of eucalyptus oil to a spray-bottle filled with warm water and shake well before each use to create a deodorizing/bacteria killing spray that doubles as a pest repellent (can even be used on plants).

+ Degreaser/Stain Remover
A few drops of pure eucalyptus oil will remove sticky residue (like chewing gum, sticker/decal) from surfaces (even glass, stainless steel and vehicles) and take grease, oil, paint and ink out of clothes, carpets and furniture

+ Cleaner
Bathroom: Mixing 1.6 ounces of eucalyptus oil in a quart of water creates a fresh-smelling disinfectant, mould and mildew remover and prevent re occurrence for cleaning toilets, tubs and sinks

Laundry: Add 1-2 teaspoonfuls of eucalyptus oil to your load of washing for a fresh scent along with the anti-microbial benefits

+ Air Freshener
At home: A few drops on your ducted heating or cooling air intake will freshen your house and help remove stale odors and bacteria from the ducting

In the car: add a few drops to you old hanging car freshener (never buy car fresheners again)

Not to mention that while using it as a spray to deodorize rooms and repel bugs and kill bacteria....eucalyptus is also a natural decongestant so for all of us with allergies can hopefully breath easier as well.

Best part is, a little bit goes a long way!
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