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Miscellaneous / At Home Spa Treatments
« Last post by Shadav on October 20, 2020, 08:10:46 PM »
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Miscellaneous / 5 Reasons To Eat Garlic
« Last post by Shadav on October 20, 2020, 08:02:39 PM »
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Miscellaneous / 15 Foods You Can Regrow
« Last post by Shadav on October 20, 2020, 07:56:28 PM »
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1. Green Onion
The next time you buy a bunch of green onions, keep the bulb end after you’ve used all the stalks. Plant the bulbs in a pot or container garden so that the top of the stalk pokes out of the dirt.
Green onions grow quickly, and within a couple days you’ll see new green shoots. Once they’re about six inches long, you can simply trim the shoots as needed and leave the bulbs in the ground. They’ll keep producing green onion stalks over and over!

2. Kale
Unless you already have kale planted, you’ll need to start with seeds or a small planter. However, once your kale is in the ground it will keep producing leaves for months and months!

Once your kale plants are mature, clip off leaves as needed, starting with the larger leaves at the bottom of the stem. As long as you leave a handful of leaves attached near the top, your kale will keep making new ones!

3. Leeks
Regrowing leeks works just like regrowing green onions. Save bulbs with at least an inch or two of the stalk. Plant the bulbs in the ground with the stalk peeking out and they will regrow!

4. Basil
The next time you purchase fresh basil or visit a pho restaurant, save a sprig of basil! Cut the stem, keeping a few leaves  attached. Place in a jar of water to generate roots, then you can move to a planter.
When you get the pretty little plant home, divide it up into 10-12 cuttings and place them in small containers filled with fresh water. Basil roots very easily and your kitchen windowsill is the perfect place to start a little “basil nursery”.

  • Begin this rooting process no more than 3-4 weeks before it’s safe to plant basil in your climate zone, which is usually when temperatures will consistently remain above 50˚ at night, the days are warm and sunny and there’s no danger of frost.
  • A healthy basil plant will produce anywhere from 10-12 plantlings, maybe more. If you have limited space and/or can’t use that much basil, go ahead and root them anyway – the little plantlings will make great gifts for your “foodie” friends – believe me, they’ll be thinking quite fondly of you each time they snip, snip, snip!
  • The best place to root basil indoors is a bright but not intensely hot window. Morning sun is great but a lot of intense afternoon sun will be too much for the little cuttings.
  • The cuttings may look a bit droopy, a day or so after you divide them. They are just adjusting to a new environment; keep the water level full and be sure to change the water every other day.
  • Try to use water right around room temperature when changing out the water. this will help avoid shock.
  • If it’s going to be below 40˚F at night, remove your “babies” to the counter until morning, then return them to the windowsill.
  • Don’t be snitching basil during this growing period. That’s a good way to put them into irreversible shock. I’m telling you this from personal experience.
  • I like to use a container that will hold at least a cup of water and have a fairly wide opening at the top. I’ve found that the little plantlings don’t do well in containers that are too small or that have super narrow openings.
  • A little warning: sometimes a few of the “little offspring” just don’t make it – it’s too shocking for their system. You should have plenty of others that flourish so just discard the ones that fail.
  • Once you plant your new little herb family, they will need plenty of water, especially in the hot summer months. They will wilt, droop and their growth will be stunted if they don’t receive enough moisture.

How to Root Basil from Cuttings

1 large full, healthy basil plant, preferably planted in soil vs hydroponic
kitchen scissors or a sharp knife
small glass containers
fresh tap water

  • With a scissors or a sharp knife, cut 3-4 inch long cuttings (they may end up being a bit longer depending on where the first leaf node is) right below a leaf node; this is where a leaf joins the main stem. Although your little cuttings will eventually sprout roots all the way up the stem, the leaf node is generally where the new shoots will begin.
  • Remove leaves from cuttings on the lower 2 inches. (I place any basil leaves that are left over in a small plastic storage container and store them in the refrigerator till I need them for cooking.)
  • If there are tiny leaves at the leaf node, don’t worry about these, they can stay on.
  • Place cuttings in small glass containers of water on a bright windowsill. Choose an area that gets lots of light, but not direct sun, as the little plants could go into shock at this point with hot sunshine. You can put 4-6 cuttings in each glass. The cuttings might wilt a little at first and you may lose a few, that's normal. You should have plenty that survive.
  • Watch the water levels carefully, adding water to keep stems immersed. Change the water every other day to keep it fresh. (Be sure it's not too cold on your window sill. Basil loves warmth and doesn't do well if it gets a chill.)
  • After 5-7 days you will begin to see some tiny white roots forming. Every day more and more will appear. Let the roots grow to about 2 inches. Continue to change the water every other day. The process will take 12 days to 18 days, from start to finish.
  • You are now ready to plant your plants outdoors in a sunny spot with good drainage.  Keep the plants protected from intense sun for a week or so until they get established. Once they adjust, the little plants will start growing new leaves and shoots. Before you know it, you'll have an abundance of fresh basil!

tips on growing and replanting source: How to Root Basil from Cuttings | The Café Sucre Farine

5. Garlic
To regrow garlic, you can start with individual cloves or a whole head of garlic. Simply bury the cloves under about an inch of soil and keep watered.

The garlic is ready to harvest when it starts to turn yellow.

6. Potatoes
When potatoes start to sprout, they’re no longer good to eat. But why throw them away when you can use them to grow more potatoes…for free!

To regrow potatoes, cut a sprouting potato into chunks, so that each chunk has an eye and a sprout. Plant with the eye facing up and cover with a few inches of dirt.

Keep watered and in a few weeks those potato pieces will start to sprout and grow full sized potatoes!

7. Romaine Lettuce
When you cut the leaves off a head of romaine lettuce, keep the end! You can plant this in soil, water, and it will start to regrow leaves.

Similar to kale, you can clip the leaves as needed and your romaine plant will grow more!

8. Bok Choy
Bok Choy can be regrown just like romaine lettuce!

9. Celery
Celery can be regrown by saving the base and placing in a cup of water until leaves sprout. At that point, you can transfer the celery plant to a pot with soil.

In a few weeks the stalks will grow taller and thicker and soon be ready to enjoy!

10. Cilantro
Like basil, cilantro can be regrown from cuttings, though not quite as easily. However, once you have a mature cilantro plant, you can cut leaves as needed and it will keep on growing!

11. Rosemary
Rosemary can be regrown by cutting a 3″ piece from a mature plant. Strip the leaves from the bottom half of the cutting and plant that end in soil.

It’s recommended to start in a small planter, keeping the cuttings moist and with indirect sunlight, until they begin to take root and grow. At that point you can transplant to their final location.

12. Onion
he next time you cook with  onions, save the bottom piece of the onion that contains the roots! This one piece of onion can be sprouted and used to re-grow two or more onions!

To grow a full-sized onion bulb can take 3-4 months. Or you can clip the greenery from the onion and use that!

13. Sweet Potato
Sweet potatoes are grown a little differently than regular potatoes. Instead of planting the potato itself, to regrow sweet potatoes you plant the sprouts, also known as “slips.”

You can start with a sprouting sweet potato like this one:
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Or you can purposely sprout your own. Place it in a jar of water to grow the slips. Once they’re about 5 inches long, twist the slips and pull them out of the potato. Now you can plant the slips in the dirt – about halfway deep.

The really cool thing is that you can keep growing countless slips from one single potato!

14. Ginger
Regrowing ginger from scraps is easy and your ginger root will continue producing as long as you take care of it!

Simply plant a piece of ginger root in a pot with soil, water, and wait for it to sprout. After a few weeks, your ginger root will grow so that you can begin harvesting small pieces as needed.

When you’d like to get a piece of ginger, push the dirt away until the root is visible, cut a piece off, and leave the rest planted. Recover any cut area with dirt so it can regrow.

15. Mint
Mint is a fairly easy plant to grow and spreads quickly on its own. However, you can regrow mint cuttings as you would basil and start new plants as needed.

You can also take fresh mint cuttings from the grocery store and grow roots in water, then plant in soil.
Miscellaneous / Unusual Uses For Baking Soda
« Last post by Shadav on October 20, 2020, 07:21:27 PM »
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Reuse Or Renew / Soda can solar collector - almost free heat
« Last post by Shadav on October 20, 2020, 06:54:56 PM »
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for this one, please visit the site as they have a lot of pictures and more into and a lot of helpful comments....
they've also included a pdf that I've attached

but the jest of it all....
I started with some 2x4s and plywood to build a simple box. I’m no carpenter, but I learned that if it’s wobbly, just add more nails.
Sealed the box using adhesive caulk, just to keep any heated air from escaping the box.
drill holes into the bottoms of the cans except for the bottom row drill holes into the sides
Stack the cans with liberal doses of adhesive caulk. Give them enough time to dry.
Once they’re dry, I painted each column with black BBQ paint. Black to best absorb the sun’s heat, BBQ paint to keep from flaking off the cans. At the top, I drilled an outlet hole. I left an inch or two of space between the tops of the columns and the top of the box to permit air to flow out of the columns.
I drilled the outlet hole based on the diameter of some wet-dry vacuum hose I picked up, about 1-1/2 inches in diameter.
Then started to caulk the columns in place. At the bottom, you can see the inlet hole I drilled. At about this point, I realized that a better place for the inlet would have been through the plywood at the bases of each column. In this location, the air can simply pass over the cans (there’s about 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch between the cans and the upper edge of the 2×4 frame) and not really pick up that much heat. If I were to relocate the inlet, it would force all the air to pass through the cans and pick up the absorbed heat. Next time.
Caulked a clear plexiglas cover on the front and sat the furnace out in the sun for a full day over the weekend to see how it would work.

source: How to Build a Solar Heating Panel with Soda Cans
Reuse Or Renew / 40 Eco-Frugal Ways to Repurpose Household Items
« Last post by Shadav on October 20, 2020, 06:49:50 PM »
Combine tight budgets and ecological mindedness and you've got the new Eco-Frugal Movement: Good for your pocketbook and good for the planet.

Repurposing -- a popular part of this movement -- was actually a way of life for those raised during the Great Depression and World War II. It was simply second nature for the Greatest Generation to"repurpose" flour sacks as clothes and milk bottles as flower vases.

Now it's our turn to make this old idea new again. We've found 50 new and creative ways to reinvent stuff typically found in trashcans across the U.S.

1. Baby Food Jars
Dad stored screws, nails, anchors, etc. in empty baby-food jars long after his babies were off to college. The smaller jars also make great spice storage containers for those who buy in bulk.

2. Brown Paper Bags
Tightly twisted bags make good fire starters with more staying power than newspaper. Or slit, poke holes throughout and use to line your flower garden before adding mulch or potting soil to reduce weeds and serve as a natural mulch.

3. Butter/Margarine Wrappers
Empty wrappers allow you to grease baking pans without greasing up your fingers. Fold the wrappers up and store in the freezer for future use.

4. CDs
Use unwanted or promotional CDs as a glittering scarecrow in fruit trees and on corn stalks. Glue two discs together with shiny sides face out and string together through the middle hole as you would a wind chime. Hang and the shimmering reflections will scare off thieving birds and raccoons.

5. Cereal Boxes
Cover with brown paper to repurpose as shipping boxes. Or make desk organizers for your kids by cutting boxes with a utility knife at the desired angle and height. Wrap with decorative contact paper or leave as is for a funky look. Alternately, use to create sketchbooks for your kids. Cut off the top and bottom, punch holes with a 3-hole punch, add scrap paper (3-hole-punchedmis-fed printer paper) and tie together with a ribbon or string.

6. Cereal Box Liners
Use instead of wax paper. Layer between meat patties before freezing. Cover food to maintain moisture while microwaving. Slit and use to roll out dough.

7. Citrus Peels
Make homemade citrus cleaners; make candy citrus peels; grate as zest in recipes; dry and toss into fires for a fresh smell.

8. Coffee Cans
Pack cookies or other baked goods for mailing. Use as a cheap and quick "dog pooper scooper" or to store food scraps in the kitchen before adding to an outdoor compost pile. Store your child's collection of crayons, magic markers and pencils.

9. Coffee grounds
A great natural plant fertilizers. One teaspoon of coffee grounds mixed with your favorite moisturizer is an inexpensive and effective cellulite treatment.

10. Cooking or Bacon Grease
Mix bird seed into grease, freeze and hang outdoors to feed the birds and (if you like) squirrels.

11. Detergent and Soap Boxes
Eileen Hull came up with a great way to turn empty boxes into gift "bags." The results are more durable and original than store-bought gift bags.

12. Diaper Boxes
The handles on diaper boxes are a real asset when you have to move stored items frequently. Cover withwrapping paper or contact paper and use in closets or other small places.

13. Dry Cleaning Bags
Tie a knot in the end and use to line a tall trash can. Reduce wrinkles by using to pack suits, dresses and formal clothing. Prevent knits from snagging in the closet.

14. Dryer Lint
Dryer lint is quite flammable, so stuff an empty toilet-paper roll and use as a fire starter. (Wonder if this works with belly button lint?)

15. Dryer Sheets
Remove foods stuck hard on your pots and pans by filling the pan with water and drop the sheet inside. Let soak for about an hour and wash as usual. Quilters can use old dryer sheets to keep block-edges straight and all the same size. Dust furniture; put them on a hanger in the closet to add freshness to the closet; or hang on the shower curtain to add a fresh scent to bathrooms.

16. Egg Cartons
Organize small toys, golf balls or tiny craft materials (i.e., sequins, buttons, beads, etc.). Start seeds indoors before it's warm enough to transplant outdoors. Cardboard containers make good fire starters. Either Styrofoam or cardboard egg cartons can be used to store golf balls. Make bird feeders by removing the lid, threading string through holes in each corner of the tray, filling the cups halfway with birdseed, and hanging in a tree.

17. Envelopes
Use junk-mail envelopes for your own mail by scratching out the old address and adding your own. The blank backs are a handy size for grocery or to-do lists.

18. Facial Tissue Boxes
Repurpose as a plastic bag dispenser. Toddlers can use as doll beds and garages for miniature small cars. Store yeast packets, instant drink mixes, gravy packets and other flat, thin items that get lost in drawers and refrigerators.

19. Food Boxes
Cover with brick-patterned contact paper to create giant, lightweight building blocks for infants.

20. Hair Product or Cleaner Spray Bottles
Clean thoroughly and refill with homemade cleaners or spray starch. Spray plants with water.

21. Laundry Bottle Caps & Powdered Detergent Scoops
Wash thoroughly and use as sandbox, pool and bathtub toys or as pet-food scoopers.

22. Light bulb
Put inside socks to serve as a darning egg.

23. Magazines
Drop read magazines off at hospitals, oncology offices, art classes or hair salons. Alternately, shred the pages and use in place of tissue paper in gift bags or bubble wrap when shipping or packing. Shred a perfume ad for a subtle fragrance.

24. Packing Foam Peanuts
Toss several into the bottom of a large plant pot before adding dirt to aid in drainage. Some shipping companies buy garbage bags of peanuts in good shape as they're expensive to purchase.

25. Paint Containers
Clean empty quart containers, spray paint, solder together into a big square, mount it on the wall, and use to sort papers, pens and small computer accessories without wasting precious desk space.

26. Pantyhose
Put a cake of soap in the foot when camping and tie the top end to a low-hanging tree branch. Cut into strips as a gentle way to tie plants securely to stakes. Cut across the leg to make rings, roll them up for a stretchyponytail holder that won't break and damage hair like rubber bands do. Put some human hair clippings into toe of the stocking and place around the garden fence to keep deer away.

27. Paper Towel/Toilet Paper Cardboard Rolls
Keep extension cords and Christmas lights from tangling by wrapping around an empty roll before storing. Protect sharp knives. Pet gerbils or hamsters enjoy gnawing on and crawling inside tubes. Double up and stuff bathroom appliance cords inside to keep cupboards and drawers organized.

28. Phone Books
Use the pages as window wipes, package filler, fire starters, etc.

29. Plastic Grocery Bags
Use as garbage pail liners, paint tray covers, stuffing for various craft projects, protection for hands and household items, or packing materials.

30. Plastic Produce Mesh Bags
Wad into a ball and tie to make scrubbers for pots, car windshields or bathtubs.

31. Plastic Milk Jug
Turn into a watering can with a few holes punched into the plastic cap. Cut off the top and fill with bird seed.

32. Plastic or Wine Bottles
Place a narrow soda or wine bottle in tall boots to keep their shape when not in use. Also helps speed drying of wet boots.

33. PVC Pipe
Every garage seems to have some PVC pipe pieces hanging around. Use 4-inch (or wider) pipe around bird-feeder poles as a squirrel andraccoon guard. Animals can't climb the slippery and wide pipe.

34. Socks
Wrangle straggling cords behind your entertainment centers and computer desk into a trouser or sock to keep them separate and organized. Cut into strips to gently tie-up plants in the garden. Also useful in place of cotton gloves to clean chandelier crystal drops.

35. Strawberry Baskets
Make candy baskets for the holidays by weaving ribbons through the holes and attaching decorations. Makes an interesting bubble machine or playpen for small dolls.

36. Styrofoam Meat Trays
Clean thoroughly, wrap in foil and use as serving trays when giving baked treats. Sort small craft items when crafting or use as a paintbrush rest that can be tossed after a project is complete.

37. Tin Cans
Paint a bevvy of cans to store pens, pencils and other tall items on your desk, as vases and to corral plastic spoons and forks at casual gatherings. If you don't like to pain, glue contact paper or fine-art pictures from magazines or old books onto cans.

38. Toothbrushes
A great way to clean difficult-to-clean items, like grout, cheese graters, jewelry, around faucets, window screens and computer keyboards.

39. Window Screen
Staple onto over-sized wood frames to display earrings.

40. Wine Corks
Glue to the back of rocking-chair legs to prevent scratching walls and from tipping over. Cut-off a small piece and place on the back of a picture to avoid scratching walls.

source: 40 Eco-Frugal Ways to Repurpose Household Items
Reuse Or Renew / Reuses of Drier Sheets
« Last post by Shadav on October 20, 2020, 06:46:40 PM »
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One day I had a crazy idea, and It’s saved me tons of money (and embarrassment)!
Here’s the big secret to solve all your powder room cleaning crises "DRYER SHEETS". They don’t even have to be new dryer sheets. In fact, used ones from the dryer work even better. I have tried all kinds, they all work as good. No additional cleaner nor tons of elbow grease is necessary, even for the messiest situations!
Dryer sheets removed the ring on my toilet with a gentle swipe and left behind pleasant scent, which is a nice thing in the bathroom. In fact, it worked so well I used separate sheets to clean my toilet and bathtub and grabbed more for the guest bathroom. A third sheet polishes up the faucets and chrome in a snap! The fibers in dryer sheets and the weave create a grime-grabbing scrubbing tool that won’t scratch sinks and tubs. Fabric softener in the sheet make dirt and scum slip right off.
It used to take me about an hour to scrub the bathroom really well. These days I spend about 10 minutes, this is my most favorite trick.
Now instead of throwing those dryer sheets away, I save them after each load of laundry. When it’s time to clean the bathroom, I grab a couple of dryer sheets and my work is soon done!
Can also use to get sticky dust right off of furniture, blinds and baseboards.
Cleans up cooktops and greasy cupboards quickly.
Soak paintbrushes in warm water with a dryer sheet and watch the paint come right off.
Clean dead, icky bugs from the car.
Wipe pet hair off of clothes and furniture.
Run over thread before sewing to keep tangles away.
Reuse Or Renew / Never Ending Dryer Sheets
« Last post by Shadav on October 20, 2020, 06:43:50 PM »
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1 Container with an airtight lid (grabbed out of my pantry)
4 sponges cut in half ($1.00 for a 4pk at the dollar store)
1 cup of your favorite fabric softener ($0.30 worth of fabric softener)
2 cups water (free from my tap)

Mix the water and fabric softener into a plastic container.
Add the cut sponges so they can soak in the mixture.
When ready to use, squeeze the excess liquid from 1 sponge and place into the dryer with your wet clothes.
Run the dryer cycle as normal.
Once complete place the now dry sponge back into the container of liquid for use next time.
Clothes smell good, are soft and have no static just like the expensive non-reusable dryer sheets.
Reuse Or Renew / Homemade Mosquito Trap
« Last post by Shadav on October 20, 2020, 06:29:30 PM »
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You could go out and buy a mosquito zapper, but why not make one at home for way less money!  Here is a recipe for a homemade mosquito trap -- and all you need is an old soda bottle and some kitchen items.

1 cup of water
1/4 cup of brown sugar
1 gram of yeast (You don't need a lot)
2-liter plastic bottle

1. Cut the plastic bottle in half.

2. Mix brown sugar with hot water. Let cool. When cold, pour in the bottom half of the bottle.

3. Add the yeast. No need to mix. It creates carbon dioxide, which attracts mosquitoes.

4. Place the funnel part, upside down, into the other half of the bottle, taping them together if desired.

5. Wrap the bottle with something black, leaving the top uncovered, and place it outside in an area away from your normal gathering area. (Mosquitoes are also drawn to the color black.)

Change the solution every two weeks for continuous control.

source: https://961thebreeze.com/homemade-mosquito-trap/
Reuse Or Renew / Homemade Gel Air Fresheners
« Last post by Shadav on October 20, 2020, 06:24:24 PM »
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The total time it takes to make is about five to six (5-6) minutes and then twenty-four (24) hours to solidify.

Materials & Equipment:
  • Three (3) to four (4) jars, capable of holding 1/2-cup of fluid each.  I used four (4) clean and recycled baby food jars, and each jar holds 1/2-cup of mixture.
  • Food Coloring
  • Essential Oil or Room Fragrance drops (Can be purchased at a craft store, but I found one on sale for $2 at Walmart.)
  • Two (2) cups of water, divided into two 1-cup amounts
  • Four (4) envelopes unflavored gelatine (one 1-oz box)
  • One (1) tablespoon of salt
  • Kitchen equipment such as a whisk, a pan to boil the water and spoons (plastic or metal) to mix the concoction

  • Pour a few drops of food coloring of your choice into each jar.
  • Next, pour one (1) teaspoon (minimum) of essential oil into each jar.  You may want to add more if you desire a stronger scent emanating from the end result.  I did not use more than two teaspoons and was pleased with the one teaspoon result.

Boil and Mix:
  • Bring one (1) cup of water to a boil.
  • Add all four (4) envelopes of gelatine to the boiling water and whisk until dissolved.  (I estimate it dissolved in about a minute.)
  • After the gelatine dissolves, add the remaining cup of water and then the salt.
  • After the salt dissolves, remove the pan from the heat and pour into the prepared jars.  Try pouring the mixture into the jars within a few minutes of removing the pan off of the heat.
  • NOTE: Please be careful as the mixture will be very hot!  My husband held the pot with a steady hand for the photo.  However the second time I did this by myself, I made a mess everywhere and spilled the gelatine mixture on the counter.  You may want to use a funnel to put the gelatine mixture in the jars.
  • I used a broken clothespin to stir the gelatinous combination, but suggest using plastic spoons.  Use them quickly as the heat from the water could make them melt slightly.

Let the now fragrant gel mix solidify at room temperature for at least 24-hours.
Can you believe that's it?

The scent and solid mixture will disintegrate over time.  The one in my car has lasted over a month.  The one in my bathroom has lasted over a month but probably will be ready to clean out in another week.  I estimate that one jar would last from four to six (4-6) good weeks of scent dispersion. Make sure the lid is off the container to enjoy!

source: Homemade Air Freshener Gel (with Pictures) - Instructables
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