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Help: Smileys

Below is a list of the smileys available on this forum. Note that smileys may differ from forum to forum.

Please note that not all of the smiley codes will be correctly parsed and converted to images unless their opening spaces are present.

Name Image (click to insert) Code (type to insert)
Daylight Savings :daylightsavingsstart: :daylightsavingsstart:
Daylight Savings :daylightsavingsend: :daylightsavingsend:
Welcome :welcomeconfetti: :welcomeconfetti:
Thank You :thankyouyellow: :thankyouyellow:
Heart Beating :heartbeating: :heartbeating:
I'm With Stupid :imwithstupid: :imwithstupid:
Thread Hijacked :threadjacked: :threadjacked:
Good Morning :goodmorning1: :goodmorning1:
Groundhog Day :groundhogday: :groundhogday:
Obnoxious Day :obnoxiousday: :obnoxiousday:
runforhills :runforhills: :runforhills:
Blonde Moment :blondmoment: :blondmoment:
Delete Topic :deletetopic: :deletetopic:
Welcome :welcomewave: :welcomewave:
American Football :usafootball: :usafootball:
Brush Teeth :brushteeth1: :brushteeth1:
Brush Teeth :brushteeth2: :brushteeth2:
Good Morning :goodmorning: :goodmorning:
Teachers Day :teachersday: :teachersday:
Right Arrow :arrowright: :arrowright:
Brush Teeth :brushteeth: :brushteeth:
Not Allowed :notallowed: :notallowed:
Basketball :basketball: :basketball:
Good Night :goodnight1: :goodnight1:
Lips Are Sealed :sealedlips: :sealedlips:
Watermelon :watermelon: :watermelon:
SlapHands :SlapHands: :SlapHands:
SlapHands :slaphands: :slaphands:
Left Arrow :arrowleft: :arrowleft:
Down Arrow :arrowdown: :arrowdown:
Impatient :impatient: :impatient:
Impatient :-w :-w
I'm New Here :imnewhere: :imnewhere:
No Comment :nocomment: :nocomment:
Good Night :goodnight: :goodnight:
Graduated :graduated: :graduated:
Grouch Day :grouchday: :grouchday:
Listening :listening: :listening:
Question :question1: :question1:
Question :question2: :question2:
Sandwhich :sandwhich: :sandwhich:
Spaghetti :spaghetti: :spaghetti:
Stay Awake :stayawake: :stayawake:
Surrender :surrender: :surrender:
Thinking :thinking1: :thinking1:
Whistling :whistling: :whistling:
Yak Yak :yakyakyak: :yakyakyak:
goodnite :goodnite: :goodnite:
blushing :blushing: :blushing:
Bang Head Against Wall :banghead: :banghead:
Bang Head Against Wall :@ :@
Bang Head Against Wall :-@ :-@
Bang Head Against Wall :=@ :=@
Chop Wood :chopwood: :chopwood:
Help :helpsign: :helpsign:
Feedback :feedback: :feedback:
Good Post :goodpost: :goodpost:
Off Topic :offtopic: :offtopic:
Studying :studying: :studying:
Yeah That :yeahthat: :yeahthat:
Approved :approved: :approved:
Arbor Day :arborday: :arborday:
Baseball :baseball: :baseball:
Clapping :clapping: :clapping:
Crazy Day :crazyday: :crazyday:
Delivery :delivery: :delivery:
Earth Day :earthday: :earthday:
Shocked :shocked1: :shocked1:
Exclaim :exclaim1: :exclaim1:
Football :football: :football:
Holy Moly :holymoly: :holymoly:
Knitting :knitting: :knitting:
Need Help :needhelp: :needhelp:
New Year :newyear1: :newyear1:
Not Funny :notfunny: :notfunny:
Pancake :pancake1: :pancake1:
Patience :patience: :patience:
Present :present1: :present1:
Present :present2: :present2:
Shocked :shocked2: :shocked2:
Shocked :shocked3: :shocked3:
Sleeping :sleeping: :sleeping:
:Stop :signstop: :signstop:
Waiting :waiting1: :waiting1:
:3stooges: :3stooges:
overact :overact: :overact:
popcorn :popcorn: :popcorn:
lecture :lecture: :lecture:
pancake :pancake: :pancake:
evil :twisted: :twisted:
evil x|:) x|:)
Up Arrow :arrowup: :arrowup:
Laundry :laundry: :laundry:
Mow the Lawn :mowlawn: :mowlawn:
Waiting :waiting: :waiting:
I'm Sorry :imsorry: :imsorry:
Lol Sign :lolsign: :lolsign:
Protest :protest: :protest:
Coffee :coffee2: :coffee2:
Coffee ~o) ~o)
It's All Good :allgood: :allgood:
Banned :banned1: :banned1:
Bubbles :bubbles: :bubbles:
Coffee :coffee1: :coffee1:
Coffee :coffee3: :coffee3:
Cricket :cricket: :cricket:
Doctor :doctor1: :doctor1:
Doctor :doctor2: :doctor2:
Lifting :lifting: :lifting:
New Year :newyear: :newyear:
Present :present: :present:
Ramadan :ramadan: :ramadan:
Raspberry :tongue3: :tongue3:
Raspberry :pp :pp
Raspberry :PP :PP
Winter :winter1: :winter1:
:pirate1: :pirate1:
Recycle :recycle: :recycle:
behave :behave: :behave:
don't want to see :nolook: :nolook:
don't want to see :nosee: :nosee:
don't want to see X_X X_X
mellow :mellow: :mellow:
Vacuum :vacuum: :vacuum:
Shifty :shifty: :shifty:
Snooty :snooty: :snooty:
Admire :admire: :admire:
Please Ban :banplz: :banplz:
Banned :banned: :banned:
Google :google: :google:
Search :search: :search:
Coffee :coffee: :coffee:
0 Rating :rate00: :rate00:
1 Rating :rate01: :rate01:
2 Rating :rate02: :rate02:
3 Rating :rate03: :rate03:
4 Rating :rate04: :rate04:
5 Rating :rate05: :rate05:
6 Rating :rate06: :rate06:
7 Rating :rate07: :rate07:
8 Rating :rate08: :rate08:
9 Rating :rate09: :rate09:
10 Rating :rate10: :rate10:
Angel :angel1: :angel1:
Angel :angel2: :angel2:
Biking :biking: :biking:
Bravo :bravo1: :bravo1:
Burger :burger: :burger:
Crazy :crazy1: :crazy1:
Crazy :crazy2: :crazy2:
Cry :crying: :crying:
Denied :denied: :denied:
Devil :devil1: :devil1:
Doctor :doctor: :doctor:
Don't Know :dunno1: :dunno1:
FB Like :fblike: :fblike:
Hungry :hungry: :hungry:
Hockey :hockey: :hockey:
Lights :lights: :lights:
Money :money1: :money1:
Paddle :paddle: :paddle:
rolling on the floor laughing :rotfl1: :rotfl1:
Sleepy :sleepy: :sleepy:
Sneaky :sneaky: :sneaky:
Stop/Hold It :holdit: :holdit:
Tennis :tennis: :tennis:
TUrkey :turkey: :turkey:
Window :window: :window:
Wnter :winter: :winter:
:drool1: :drool1:
:drool2: :drool2:
:archer: :archer:
:antman: :antman:
fight :fight: :fight:
crazy :crazy: :crazy:
argue :argue: :argue:
Bravo :bravo: :bravo:
Blank :blank: :blank:
Check :check: :check:
confused :blink: :blink:
Bath :bath1: :bath1:
Cold :cold1: :cold1:
Cold :cold2: :cold2:
Devil :devil: :devil:
Faint :faint: :faint:
Floss :floss: :floss:
Geek :geek1: :geek1:
Grill :grill: :grill:
Grin :grin1: :grin1:
Idea :idea1: :idea1:
Judge :judge: :judge:
Night :night: :night:
Oscar :oscar: :oscar:
Pizza :pizza: :pizza:
Scale :scale: :scale:
Shave :shave: :shave:
SUShi :sushi: :sushi:
Sweep :sweep: :sweep:
Wave :wave1: :wave1:
Wave :wave2: :wave2:
Whew :whew1: :whew1:
:dance: :dance:
Phone Call :phone: :phone:
love :love: :love:
Idea :idea: :idea:
Idea *-:) *-:)
Geek :geek: :geek:
Geek :-B :-B
Geek :-b :-b
Geek B-| B-|
Geek b-| b-|
Geek 8| 8|
Geek B| B|
Geek 8=| 8=|
Geek B=| B=|
Sigh :sigh: :sigh:
Sigh :-0 :-0
Stop :hand: :hand:
Stop :stop: :stop:
Liar :liar: :liar:
Liar :^o :^o
Blah blah blah :blah: :blah:
bump topic :bump: :bump:
Link :link: :link:
Copyright/© :copy: :copy:
Bath :bath: :bath:
Bow :bow1: :bow1:
Cake :cake: :cake:
Cold :cold: :cold:
Corn :corn: :corn:
Cry :cry1: :cry1:
Discussion :talk: :talk:
D'oh :doh1: :doh1:
Fall :fall: :fall:
Golf :golf: :golf:
Gum :gum1: :gum1:
Iron :iron: :iron:
Laugh Out Loud :lol1: :lol1:
Mail :mail: :mail:
Moon :moon: :moon:
Mop :mop1: :mop1:
Rain :rain: :rain:
Rake :rake: :rake:
Read :read: :read:
Sew :sew1: :sew1:
Time :time: :time:
Time :tme1: :tme1:
What :what: :what:
Yuck :yuck: :yuck:
:hug1: :hug1:
:smug: :smug:
sos :sos: :sos:
wub :wub: :wub:
dry :dry: :dry:
Mop :mop: :mop:
Too Much Information :tmi: :tmi:
Woo/Excited :woo: :woo:
Be Right Back :brb: :brb:
Fan :fan: :fan:
Got To Go :g2g: :g2g:
Gum :gum: :gum:
Hot :hot: :hot:
Let's Eat :eat: :eat:
Map :map: :map:
No :no1: :no1:
PC :pc1: :pc1:
Sew :sew: :sew:
Sun :sun: :sun:
Why :why: :why:
Police C:-) C:-)
Police :cop: :cop:
Don't Know :-?? :-??
Don't Know :dunno: :dunno:
whew #:-S #:-S
whew :whew: :whew:
party |:O) |:O)
party :party: :party:
party |:o) |:o)
thumbs up :-bd :-bd
thumbs up :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Wasn't Me ^#(^ ^#(^
Wasn't Me :notme: :notme:
not worthy ^:)^ ^:)^
not worthy :bow: :bow:
dance \:D/ \:D/
dance \:d/ \:d/
praying [-Oy [-Oy
praying :pray: :pray:
Angel O:-) O:-)
Angel :angel: :angel:
+1/Agree :+1: :+1:
bs :bs: :bs:
At/@ :at: :at:
worried :-SS :-SS
worried :worried: :worried:
hug |:D| |:D|
hug :hug: :hug:
hug |:d| |:d|
A+ :a+: :a+:
F- :f-: :f-:
Go :go: :go:
PC :pc: :pc:
:ar! :ar!
:pirate: :pirate:
:rose: @};- @};-
(~~) (~~)
:pumpkin: :pumpkin:
peace :)y :)y
peace :peace: :peace:
bufon :O) :O)
bufon :bufon: :bufon:
chatterbox :-@ :-@
chatterbox :yakyak: :yakyak:
teehee ;)) ;))
teehee :teehee: :teehee:
shame on you [-X [-X
shame on you :shame: :shame:
money $-) $-)
money :money: :money:
oh go on :-j :-j
oh go on :goon: :goon:
bring it on b:/ b:/
bring it on :bio: :bio:
feeling beat up b-( b-(
feeling beat up :beatup: :beatup:
yawn (:| (:|
yawn :yawn: :yawn:
yawn |-() |-()
witsend/enough ~X( ~X(
witsend/enough :witsend: :witsend:
timeout :-t :-t
timeout :timeout: :timeout:
timeout :-T :-T
timeout :t :t
timeout :T :T
timeout :=T :=T
timeout :=t :=t
thumbs down :-q :-q
thumbs down :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:
thinking :-? :-?
thinking :thinking: :thinking:
thinking :=? :=?
silly 8-} 8-}
silly :silly: :silly:
sh :-$ :-$
sh :sh: :sh:
no [-( [-(
no :no: :no:
loser L-) L-)
loser :loser: :loser:
loser l-) l-)
hurry :!! :!!
hurry :hurry: :hurry:
drool =P~ =P~
drool :drool: :drool:
doh #-o #-o
doh :doh: :doh:
clap >D< >D<
clap :clap: :clap:
clap :applaud: :applaud:
whistling :-" :-"
whistling :whistle: :whistle:
sleep |-) |-)
sleep :sleep: :sleep:
sleep I-) I-)
sleep I=) I=)
surprised :-O :-O
surprised :shocked: :shocked:
rolling on the floor laughing =)) =))
rolling on the floor laughing :rotfl: :rotfl:
Not Listening %-( %-(
Not Listening :notlistening: :notlistening:
flirt ;;) ;;)
brokenheart =(( =((
brokenheart :brokenheart: :brokenheart:
wave :-h :-h
wave :wave: :wave:
wave :-H :-H
Angry X-( X-(
Angry :angry: :angry:
Angry X=( X=(
Angry x( x(
Angry X( X(
Angry x=( x=(
Angry x-( x-(
Huh? What? ??? ???
Huh? What? :huh: :huh:
Huh? What? :^) :^)
Huh? What? /:) /:)
Roll Eyes 8-| 8-|
Roll Eyes :eyeroll: :eyeroll:
Roll Eyes |( |(
Roll Eyes |-( |-(
Roll Eyes |=( |=(
Roll Eyes ::) ::)
Lips Sealed :-X :-X
Lips Sealed :sealed: :sealed:
Lips Sealed :-x :-x
Lips Sealed :=x :=x
Lips Sealed :=X :=X
Lips Sealed :-# :-#
Lips Sealed :# :#
Undecided :-\ :-\
Cry :'( :'(
Cry :cry: :cry:
Cry :'-( :'-(
Cry :'=( :'=(
Evil x:D x:D
Evil :evil: :evil:
Evil x:d x:d
Laugh :)) :))
Laugh :lol: :lol:
blushing :") :")
blushing :oops: :oops:
Question Mark :?: :?:
Question Mark :question: :question:
Stop/Error/No :x: :x:
confused :-/ :-/
confused :confused: :confused:
confused :? :?
phbbbbt |:P |:P
phbbbbt |:p |:p
:-* :-*
:-c :-c
:callme: :callme:
:)] :)]
:phone1: :phone1:
Cool B-) B-)
Cool :cool: :cool:
Cool B) B)
Cool B=) B=)
8-) 8-)
8) 8)
:daydream: :daydream:
:-& :-&
:sick: :sick:
@-) @-)
\m/ \m/
:rockon: :rockon:
:clover: %%- %%-
:-L :-L
:frustrated: :frustrated:
:-l :-l
talk to the hand =; =;
talk to the hand :ttth: :ttth:
Smiley :) :)
Smiley :smile: :smile:
Smiley :happy: :happy:
Smiley :=) :=)
Smiley :-) :-)
Wink ;) ;)
Wink :wink: :wink:
Grin :D :D
Grin :grin: :grin:
Grin :=D :=D
Grin :-D :-D
Grin :d :d
Grin :=d :=d
Grin :-d :-d
Sad :( :(
Sad :sad: :sad:
Sad :=( :=(
Sad :-( :-(
Shocked :o :o
Shocked :surprised: :surprised:
Shocked :=o :=o
Shocked :O :O
Shocked :=O :=O
Tongue :P :P
Tongue :razz: :razz:
Tongue :p :p
Tongue :=P :=P
Tongue :-P :-P
Tongue :=p :=p
Tongue :-p :-p
mad X( X(
mad :mad: :mad:
Exclamation Point :! :!
Exclamation Point :exclaim: :exclaim:
Neutral :| :|
Neutral :=| :=|
Neutral :-| :-|
Worried :s :s
Worried :worry: :worry:
Worried :S :S
Worried :-S :-S
Worried :-s :-s
Worried :=S :=S
Worried :=s :=s
:x :x
:X :X
:4thjuly: :4thjuly:
:4thjuly1: :4thjuly1:
:axechase: :axechase:
:angel3: :angel3:
:angeldevil: :angeldevil:
:baaa: :baaa:
:batman: :batman:
:flipoff: :flipoff:
:flipoff1: :flipoff1:
:bday: :bday:
:bleep: :bleep:
:bowandarrow: :bowandarrow:
:boxer: :boxer:
:boybye: :boybye:
:braveheart: :braveheart:
:wish: :wish:
:memorialday: :memorialday:
:captainamerica: :captainamerica:
:captainamerica1: :captainamerica1:
:cemetary: :cemetary:
:congrats: :congrats:
:coolphotos: :coolphotos:
:creepyhand: :creepyhand:
:cupid: :cupid:
:cupid1: :cupid1:
:cussing: :cussing:
:darthvader: :darthvader:
:datsphatyo: :datsphatyo:
:deadpool: :deadpool:
:detective: :detective:
:director: :director:
:dj: :dj:
:dope: :dope:
:dracula: :dracula:
:dragon: :dragon:
:drinking: :drinking:
:cheers: :cheers:
:drstrange: :drstrange:
:drummer: :drummer:
:drunk: :drunk:
:duckie: :duckie:
:duel: :duel:
:easter: :easter:
:embarrassed: :embarrassed:
:et: :et:
:evil1: :evil1:
:exclaim2: :exclaim2:
:extinguishflame: :extinguishflame:
:fantasia: :fantasia:
:fbi: :fbi:
:firemad: :firemad:
:fireman: :fireman:
:fishing: :fishing:
:flutist: :flutist:
:frankestein: :frankestein:
:frostythesnowman: :frostythesnowman:
:genie: :genie:
:givemebeer: :givemebeer:
:goodvsevil: :goodvsevil:
:grinche: :grinche:
:guitarist: :guitarist:
:jackhammer: :jackhammer:
:halloween: :halloween:
:halloween1: :halloween1:
:holi: :holi:
:newyear2: :newyear2:
:harrypotter: :harrypotter:
:hauntedhouse: :hauntedhouse:
:heart: :heart:
:hearteyes: :hearteyes:
:hearye: :hearye:
:help: :help:
:hulk: :hulk:
:indianajones: :indianajones:
:ironman: :ironman:
:jackhammer1: :jackhammer1:
:jamesbond: :jamesbond:
:jedi: :jedi:
:karate: :karate:
:kingkong: :kingkong:
:knight: :knight:
:lion: :lion:
:lol2: :lol2:
:luckoftheirish: :luckoftheirish:
:lurk: :lurk:
:makeadifference: :makeadifference:
:matrix: :matrix:
:matrix1: :matrix1:
:matrix2: :matrix2:
:melting: :melting:
:xmas: :xmas:
:mothersday: :mothersday:
:muumy: :muumy:
:mummy1: :mummy1:
:nickfury: :nickfury:
:ninja: :ninja:
:nurse: :nurse:
:optimusprime: :optimusprime:
:party1: :party1:
:photo: :photo:
:photo1: :photo1:
:pianist: :pianist:
:plasma: :plasma:
:poke: :poke:
:police: :police:
:popcorn1: :popcorn1:
:presidentsday: :presidentsday:
:reading: :reading:
:rocker: :rocker:
:salute: :salute:
:santa: :santa:
:santa1: :santa1:
:scarypumpkin: :scarypumpkin:
:screaming: :screaming:
:seeamovie: :seeamovie:
:shave1: :shave1:
:shock: :shock:
:shocked4: :shocked4:
:shocked5: :shocked5:
:sick1: :sick1:
:signhere: :signhere:
:singing: :singing:
:singing1: :singing1:
:skywalker: :skywalker:
:smack: :smack:
:snowman: :snowman:
:spam: :spam:
:spam1: :spam1:
:spiderman: :spiderman:
:squirrel: :squirrel:
:squirrel1: :squirrel1:
:superhero: :superhero:
:superman: :superman:
:suspicious: :suspicious:
:tarzan: :tarzan:
:terminator: :terminator:
:thanksgiving: :thanksgiving:
:thanksgiving1: :thanksgiving1:
:flipoff2: :flipoff2:
:thumbsdown1: :thumbsdown1:
:thumbsup1: :thumbsup1:
:razz1: :razz1:
:torch: :torch:
:troll: :troll:
:2cents: :2cents:
:twocents: :twocents:
:unclesam: :unclesam:
:unhappypumpkin: :unhappypumpkin:
:vampire: :vampire:
:violinist: :violinist:
:volleyball: :volleyball:
:whip: :whip:
:windowlicker: :windowlicker:
:wintersoldier: :wintersoldier:
:wolverine: :wolverine:
:worthless: :worthless:
:yakyak1: :yakyak1:
:yoda: :yoda:
:yoga: :yoga:
:headache: :headache:
:zombie: :zombie:
:zorro: :zorro:
:zorro1: :zorro1:


Year 2025 Goal: $430.08
Below Goal: $430.08