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Furniture / Milk crate credenza
« Last post by Shadav on October 19, 2020, 11:07:54 PM »
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Furniture / Laundry basket for baby bath
« Last post by Shadav on October 19, 2020, 11:04:01 PM »
A nice idea
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Furniture / Renewed Pallets For A Day Bed
« Last post by Shadav on October 19, 2020, 10:43:09 PM »
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Furniture / Cardboard Bookcase/DVD Case
« Last post by Shadav on October 19, 2020, 10:06:24 PM »
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optional box knife

Tape bottom of box

Cut the flaps off of the box
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Make the shelves
A) Take the shorter flaps.
B) Staple them together.
C) Fold the longer flaps in half. (Groove the middle of the flaps to help fold.)
D) Put the longer flaps around the two connected shorter flaps.
E) Staple them together.
F) Insert shelf into box.
G) Staple sides of shelf to box.

Personalize as you like (paint or wrap)
Furniture / Wine Case Litter Box
« Last post by Shadav on October 19, 2020, 09:50:35 PM »
An interesting idea however it could use a bit of tweaking but a great start

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One side is hinged for easy scooping access, and lined with plastic to keep the kitty litter from leaking through any cracks in the wood.
Decor / DIY T-Shirt Pillow
« Last post by Shadav on October 19, 2020, 08:43:24 PM »
No-sew pillow from an old t-shirt

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rotary cutter
t-shirt (xl works best)
yard stick

Lay the t-shirt graphic-side up and pin both sides together with four to six pins.

Cut widely around the logo leaving as much fabric around the graphic as you can.

Fold the t-shirt into fours. Cut a 2” x 2” square out of the top right corner through all the layers of the fabric.

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Unfold the t-shirt and cut strips 3/4” wide and 2” long in both layers of fabric.

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Knot each pair of fringe all the way around. Make sure to leave about five tabs unknotted so you can stuff the pillow.

Stuff the pillow with cotton batting or old fabric. Tie the remaining tabs to close up the pillow.

source: How to Make a No-Sew Pillow From an Upcycled T-Shirt | how-tos | DIY

Throw Pillow Out of Old T-shirt

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sewing machine (preferred, but a needle and thread will work too)
T-shirt (l, xl, xxl)
pillow stuffing

Based on the pillow measurements, cut the back pillow pattern pieces first. There will be two pieces overlapping (envelope-style) in the middle of the pillow. The preexisting hem on the bottom of the T-shirt will serve as the ends. Cut the front and back of the shirt’s hem the same width as your pillow, and three-quarters the length of the pillow.

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Cut the remaining top of the shirt (the graphic), the same exact measurement as your pillow (length x width). This will be the front of your pillow. You should now have three pattern pieces: the front of the pillow (the graphic) and the two back pieces (the hems).

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Place the front pillow piece (the graphic) right-side up. Then place one of the back pieces on top of it, right sides together. Match up the three raw/cut edges.

Take your other back pillow piece and place it on top of that, right side facing down. Place this on the opposite raw edges of the pillow, so that the hems overlap in the middle. Pin around all four edges and then sew. Use a zigzag stitch on your machine to avoid the knit from stretching.

Turn the pillow cover right-side out.

Stuff the pillow through the back envelope opening.

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Pull both of the back pieces over the pillow form and smooth. The form should now be safely enclosed inside the pillow cover.

source: How To Make Throw Pillows Out of Old T-Shirts | how-tos | DIY
Decor / Shoe Art Supply Holder
« Last post by Shadav on October 19, 2020, 08:25:02 PM »
As fast as kids grow out of their shoes.....

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Decor / Sheer Flower Curtains
« Last post by Shadav on October 19, 2020, 08:20:58 PM »
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Plastic bottles (same size and color)
Metal rings or nylon wire or tag ties
Curtain rings

There's no instructions but seems simple enough
Cut the bottoms off of the bottles

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and then string them up in a pattern that you like

make it to the size and length that you want and attach them to the curtain rings

you could also make a nice chandelier
4REarth > Make your own lamps - page {#}
Decor / Repurposed Shutters For Earring Holder
« Last post by Shadav on October 19, 2020, 08:11:08 PM »
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I ended up spray painting one of them flat black, adding a couple hooks, and hanging it on my wall to organize my hook earrings.

source: Junk Mail Gems: My Upcycled Earring Holder
Decor / Plastic Bottle Vases
« Last post by Shadav on October 19, 2020, 08:07:22 PM »
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plastic bottles
paint spray in color of choice (I used golden and black), choose one designed to work on plastic
craft scissors


Make sure the bottles are clean and dry

Cut the top of the bottle

Add tape around the rim so you avoid scratching yourself when filling the vase with flowers. Make sure you use strong tape.

Prep the bottles for painting by spreading some primer.

Spray paint the bottle and leave to dry. If you choose to make a pattern as I did, spray the main color first, leave to completely dry as indicated on the spray, add tape above the area where you want to add the second color, then spray the second color and leave to dry completely. I find it useful to remove the tape a few minutes after I added the second color otherwise the paint might chip when the tape is removed.

source: Plastic Flower Vase DIY | Easy Peasy Creative Ideas
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