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DIY Headbands
« on: October 19, 2020, 01:41:55 PM »
There’s nothing like a great accessory to really set your look apart, and what could be better than crafting your own perfect wardrobe accent? Step your outfit-of-the-day up with a fully homemade headband, and customize it to your own tastes and clothes.

1) Fabric Headband

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Time: 20 minutes
  • polyester knit fabric, cut to 5.5″ x 19.5″ and 2″ x 4″
    Any type of stretch knit fabric will work for this project but I highly recommend using a polyester knit. It makes the headband less bulky and has much better stretch than cotton knits.
  • thread
  • scissors
  • needle
  • sewing machine

Step 1:
Fold the larger piece of fabric in half lengthwise with the right sides together. Sew the long edge together leaving a 1″ – 1.5″ gap towards one end. This is so you’ll be able to turn it right side out later.

Step 2:
Bring the right sides together by holding the fabric tube at one end and bringing the other short in through. It should be half the length as before because the fabric is tucked inside.

Step 3:
Sew the right sides together using a straight stitch. This is the hardest part of the whole project. Just go slow and if it’s not perfect that’s ok, you will cover up this seam when you gather the headband together.

Step 4:
Turn the headband right side out. Sew as close to the open seam as possible to close the hole. Take the 2″ x 4″ piece of fabric and fold the both the left and right long edges in so it’s 1″ x 4″. With the folded edges up, wrap this piece around the center seam of the headband. Use a zig zag stitch to sew the loop closed

Step 5:
Turn the center piece that you just sewed right side out. Position it so the seam is on the inside of the headband and the loop is completely covering the seam where the headband is joined. Use a needle and thread to hand sew the loop into place and you’re done!

Source: DIY Fabric Headband - Sarah Hearts

Optional to use Elastic

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Supplies: fabric scraps (2 pieces at least 13 inches long, 2.5 inches wide) | Fold Over Elastic | sewing machine  |  headband pattern

1. Cut two headband pieces. Fold fabric and place wide end of pattern on fabric fold. The headband pieces are 13 inches in length. Next, cut a 10 inch piece of fold over elastic.

2. Place the right sides of the fabric together. Fold down 1/4 inch and iron one end of headband. Slid in the FOE between the fabric pieces. Pin the pieces together.

3. Starting at the end of the headband with the FOE sticking out, sew that end and the two long sides. Leave the other end of headband open. Leave a half inch on each side of 2 long sides on the open end.

4. Next pull the inside out by pulling the inner fabric through the open end of headband.

5. Iron the headband flat. Iron in a quarter inch on the open end of the headband.

6. Slip the FOE in the opening (about 1/2 inch). I recommend measuring your head to determine the perfect fit for elastic.

7. Stitch along the end of the headband a couple of times to secure the elastic.

8. Topstich all the way around the headband to give a clean look. Make sure and back stitch on the ends to ensure the elastic is secure.

Source: Alice and LoisDIY Womens Fabric Headband
secondary source (different project, same principle): DIY Headband [Step-by-Step Tutorial with Pictures] – Mary Martha Mama

2) Braided Tee Shirt Headband

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First, find some old t-shirts.

Then, cut your fabric into long strips.  I made my strips about twice as long as the measurement around my (or my daughter’s) head.  The thick headband strips are about 2 inches wide and the narrow headband strips are about a 1/3 inch wide.  You’ll need 5 long strips for one headband.

Next, stack your 5 strips on top of each other and sew together at one end.  (Or hand stitch them or glue them.)

Now, pull on each strip of fabric so that they kind of curl on the edges.

Then lay your strips with the sewn edge up at the top (tape this down if that will help you while braiding) and then split up the strips into 3 on the left side and 2 strips on the right.

Now, to create this 5 strand braid……..you’ll kind of be braiding on the left side and then braiding on the right.  And then back and forth until you’re done.

But let me explain a little better.

First, you’ll work on the left side. So grab the strip all the way on the left (pic #1) and cross if over the strip right next to it  on the right(pic #2).  Then grab the strip furthest to the right of this section (pic #3) and cross it over one strip to the left (pic #4).  Now grab the middle of all 5 strips (pic #5) and bring it over the the right side (pic #6) so that you can start braiding on the right side.  Now you have your strips separated into 2 strips on the left and 3 strips on the right…….but opposite from the beginning.

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Now, you’re going to do the same thing on the right side………just mirrored from what we did the first time.  So grab the strip all the way on the right (pic #1) and cross if over the strip right next to it  on the left (pic #2).  Then grab the strip furthest to the left of this section (pic #3) and cross it over one strip to the right (pic #4).  Now grab the middle of all 5 strips (pic #5) and bring it over the the left side (pic #6) so that you can start braiding on the left side again.

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**Something to remember: When you’re working on the left side or on the right side……..you’ll always start with the strip on the outside.  So if you’re working on the left side……grab the strip all the way on the outside on the left.  If you’re working on braiding on the right side…….start with the strip all the way on the outside on the right.

So, start again from the very beginning and work on the left side again and then on the right side again.

You’ll need to adjust the tightness as you go and may have to tighten individual strips here or there.
Keep on braiding and braiding……keeping the tension about the same all the way down.

When you get to the end (or as long as you need it)……..sew (or hand-stitch or glue) the ends in place.
Then overlap the ends together and sew (or glue) in place.

**Before attaching, remember that knit will stretch and the woven design allows for stretch.  So you want to make this headband smaller than your head so that it hugs your head and stays in place.

To finish it off (and cover up the ends), cut a rectangular piece of fabric that’s wider than the ends that you’ll need to cover.  Fold the side edges in…….
And then stitch (or glue) one end on the inside of the headband.
Then wrap this piece of fabric around the headband, tuck the ends up……
And then stitch (or glue) this end down too.
And that’s it.

Source: Re-Purposing: Braided Knit Headband out of old T-shirts

And to have some more fun you could tie dye the fabric before use
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